Look, Mom. No Hands!
I’ve been preparing for this day for several months and it’s happening. It is here. Ready or not, I am launching my coaching practice!
I’m a certified life and health coach as well as a certified holistic mindset and meditation teacher. I have the honor of helping women build their intuition muscle and trust themselves to create the lives they are distinctly meant for. How frickin’ lucky am I???
As a busy HR exec for over 22 years, without even truly noticing, I lost my way. I was so proud to do the job I did and to work with the incredible people I called colleagues and teammates, but I burned myself out severely. My fierce desire to do the emotional lifting in the workplace eventually took a toll and I never gave myself the time to recover. On January 4, 2020, I hosted my annual intention setting party for some of my dear girlfriends and I began to formulate more clearly what it was that was causing my incongruence. I was drawn to images and feelings of being bold, of living big, of courage and conviction, of creativity, of newness and freshness. I knew that day that I would work on a plan to exit the workforce and attend graduate school to become a psychotherapist. I left the intention setting event with a word that would carry me through for the remainder of 2020.
No more waiting and analyzing and wondering. I was led to make a plan and to commit. The health of a family member and a fracture in a very important personal relationship of mine threatened to derail my intention, but I couldn’t escape the pull to leap and to create the life I had been dreaming up for myself. I dug in and I committed. I powered through and went on a mission of self-discovery. I resigned from my job. I strengthened my mediation and yoga practice. I trained to be a domestic abuse survivor advocate. I became a certified coach. I started my graduate school program. I upped my physical activity game. I cried. I read. I doubted. I journaled. I screamed. I laughed. I connected more deeply with those I loved. And you know what else?
I found joy again!
Wonder Woman 10K
After my first of many virtual races in 2020.
I’m gleefully drawn to exploring the human experience and challenging myself to decipher all that flows through this heart and mind of mine. As such, I will always continue to grow along with my clients. This brings me to my own personal initiative for this year. I haven’t set all of my intentions yet, nor have I selected my word for the year. What I do know is that 2021 will be about transforming my fears into opportunities to learn, to overcome, to find humility and comfort in failure and most importantly to find some unbridled joy.
I initially thought I would call this my Year of Living Fearlessly. The more I pondered this and absorbed what it was I was after, the word “fearlessly” left me feeling flat. Is fear really so bad? Fear has a purpose and is something from which we can learn. Not having it at all doesn’t provide lessons and having no fear means I wouldn’t be listening to my intuition. As a coach focused on building one’s intuition, that seems a bit problematic, right? I have since changed my goal and now know I want to live fear. Feel it, know it, understand it. Only then will I know what it is I want. 2021 will be my Year of Living Fear, Fully. I will work through things big and small that I’ve never tried nor confronted and seek to understand myself more fully. I will share with you what I learn and hope to hear of your fear transformation stories throughout the year as well.
So, look, mom. No hands! I’ve taken my hands off the wheel of my comfort zone and am moving forward with excitement, fear and a passion for helping women uncover their intuition and their gifts. If this past year has taught me anything, it’s taught me that through adversity and challenge comes insight and a deeper level of knowing. Let us all listen and let the quiet of our intuition speak to us.
Let’s leap together, Beautiful Ones!